This week has seen a whirlwind of activity – and saw what seemed like never-ending rain, for Northampton at least! But as the week is drawing to a close, the sun has made a guest appearance and we’ve made headway with planning for the symposium which is now less than four months away.
For the past few weeks Kate, Belinda and I have been proof reading. After the first download of the abstracts, they were split up into the different topics, put into a logical order and proof read till our eyes were sore and our brains were numb!
For those who want to know how much reading this really is: the first ‘draft’ version of the abstract book comes to 392 pages, 137,921 words and holds abstracts from 26 different countries.
We finished the first proof reading all the abstracts this week and pressed the ‘send’ button with some trepidation! Luckily the files were received from the publishing company and are now safely in their hands for formatting.
It was all worth it in the end as the first proof read is now complete. All in all, we’ll proof read a total of three to four times over the next few months before the last abstract book is shipped to Orlando ready for symposium delegates.
This week we’ve also published the programme for the symposium which details all the talks that are going to be given at the symposium. Have a look and let us know which ones you think sound the most interesting!