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A very much ‘must report on’ session of the 23rd International Symposium on ALS/MND was the clinical trials and trial design session. There are many reasons that make this an interesting session – perhaps the most eagerly anticipated were the presentations on the NP001 study and the results of the stem cell safety trial:

NP001 update

We reported on the blog on 1 November the results of the NP001 study, and these findings were confirmed today by Dr Bob Miller from Forbes Norris Centre in California USA. The trial showed that intra-venous administration of NP001 was found to be generally safe and well tolerated, with a modest clinical benefit seen in the high dose (2mg/kg) group.

As previously reported in their press release, ‘post-hoc analysis’ (meaning literally after the event), showed that some patients in the higher dose group did not have any change of a scale that measures the functional capabilities of people with MND called the ALS-functional rating scale (ALSFRS) over the course of the study. Historical controls were used in the post-hoc analysis – the first time that the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) had allowed them to do this.

The room was packed and there were five people queuing to ask questions about this talk. Questions were asked about the use of historical controls; the possibility that patients would identify that they were in the treatment group due to the presence of a ‘burning feeling’ at the injection site; and about other forms or ways of taking NP001. On the last of these points, a question about the chemical structures of NP001 and WF10 went unanswered.

But Dr Miller was categoric about different ways of taking NP001. “Taking NP001 in any other route [than intra-venously] is unsafe and unproductive”.

Results of stem cell safety trial

The first regulatory body (FDA) approved phase I safety trial of a stem cell treatment for MND, conducted in America, is now complete. Dr Johnathan Glass from Emory ALS Center, Georgia USA presented the results of this study.

In the last 5-10 years there has been a huge amount of interest from MND researchers, clinicians and patients alike about the possibility and potential for using stem cells to treat MND. More information about what stem cells are and how they might help is available on the MND Association’s website.

As for any other drug or potentially beneficial intervention, the first part of the assessment should always be to obtain a robust and objective measure on whether such a treatment is safe, and this is what the NeuralStem study was designed to find out.

A team of highly trained specialists, in close consultation with the FDA, designed a study to look at the safety of giving an injection of stem cells directly into the spinal cord of people with MND. Eighteen surgeries were performed on fifteen patients – three of these patients volunteered to have two surgeries (two injections).

The first three people with MND recruited into the study received a single injection of stem cells on one side of the bottom (lumbar) of the spinal cord. The next three received injections on both sides of the lumbar spinal cord. These first six patients were at an advanced stage of MND, where they were unable to walk.

The next six patients, who were able to walk, received injections at one or both sides of the lumbar spinal cord. The last three patients received a single injection higher up the spinal cord (cervical) and finally, the three patients able to walk who received a single lumbar injection underwent a second surgery to receive a single cervical injection.

The results from the first six patients has already been published in a scientific paper:

Stem Cells 2012 30(6) 1144 – 51

Dr Glass concluded that the procedure is well tolerated and safe and that there is no indication that the surgery accelerates the progression of the disease. The next phase of the study, giving injections into the cervical spinal cord at increasing doses (numbers of cells) is funded and is awaiting FDA approval.

Our International Symposium website news stories:

International Symposium closes in Chicago

International Symposium focuses on clinical trials

International Symposium focuses on carer and family support

International Symposium begins in Chicago

Researchers unite at our International Symposium on MND

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3 thoughts on “The clinical trials session

    1. Thank you for your comment. Results from the Dexpramipexole clinical trial were not discussed at the symposium as they are still being analysed. As soon as Biogen release these results, we will write about them on our blog.

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