
Thinking outside the neurone and toward the stars

Reading Time: 2 minutes By using spinal cord donations from people with MND, an American group of researchers have created a new, human ‘in a dish’ model of MND. Their results were published in the journal Nature Biotechnology. Human neuronal progenitor cells, which have the potential to turn into brain cells but not other types of cell, were extracted from…

Stem cell conference part four: Laying the foundations for future stem cell clinical trials

Reading Time: 2 minutes The remainder of the morning covered some of the preclinical research that has laid the foundations for current and forthcoming clinicalstudies. Prof Clive Svendsen, from University Wisconsin-Madison, gave an overview of the strategy that helped lay the foundations for the current Neuralstem trial. This strategy involves the implantation of support cells (astrocytes) into the spinal cord. These astrocytes produce important nourishing (neurotrophic) factors…