“On the sixth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… on the SIXTH month of 2014 we wrote a Blog a Day, and you can still read them all online today.”

The sixth month of the year is June, which is also MND Awareness month. During 2014 we brought you a blog a day (sometimes two) during the month of June,
Ranging from research updates to experiences of getting involved in research, we covered the variety of research funded by the Association and the work of the Research Development team.
Dr Jakub Scaber’s blog post on stem cells was the top-rated blog post of the month, with an impressive image of stem cell-derived motor neurones.
I have been wating for news from you people but I don’t get any from you anymore can you please put me back on the list.
Dear Paul,
I’m sorry that you feel that you have not been updated regularly enough on MND research news through this blog. I will look in to how regularly we update this blog in the future. Out of interest what do you feel would be the minimum number of updates you would like to receive via this blog on a monthly basis? 1, 2, 3 or 4 updates? Usually we aim for a minimum of two blog posts per month.
Kindest regards,
MND Association, UK