
An insight into TDP-43 – An ENCALS 2015 meeting report

Reading Time: 3 minutes Medical Research Council (MRC)/ MND Association Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Fellow, Dr Jakub Scaber, attended the European Network for a Cure of ALS (ENCALS) meeting from 21-23 May 2015. Reporting back from the event in Dublin, Dr Scaber summarised the TDP-43 session, including his presentation on recent developments in his own Association-funded research: The fifth…

ProGas study results on gastrostomy in MND published

Reading Time: 3 minutes Under the leadership of Dr Christopher McDermott, based at the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), research published today on 29 May 2015 in the Lancet Neurology highlights that better weight management in MND is key to survival. Following on from initial results presented at the 25th International Symposium on ALS/MND in December 2014, the…

Take part in TONiC

Reading Time: 4 minutes The MND Association funds healthcare research that aims to improve care management for people living with MND. The TONiC study is looking at factors that influence quality of life, and is inviting people living with MND to take part in the next phase of the project. What is TONiC?

Breaking the Human Genome Code

Reading Time: 3 minutes Professor Winston Hide gave his inaugural lecture on 17 March, during Brain Awareness week, entitled ‘breaking the human genome code – opening Pandora’s box’, which you can watch in full at the end of this blog post. Professor Hide recently joined the University of Sheffield, and MND Association/ Medical Research Council (MRC) Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Research Fellow, Dr…

The TBK1 jigsaw puzzle

Reading Time: 3 minutes Following on from the identification of the gene TBK1 as a contributory risk factor for MND in February, the plot thickens further with research published yesterday by Dr Jochen Weishaupt and colleagues. Published in Nature Neuroscience, the team found mutations in the TBK1 gene as a cause of both inherited MND and frontotemporal dementia in Germany…

Researchers identify the TBK1 gene as a risk factor in MND

Reading Time: 2 minutes Published on 19 February 2015 in the Journal Science, an international team of scientists have found mutations in the gene TBK1 as a contributory risk factor in MND. Identifying TBK1 An international team, led by scientists at Columbia University in New York, have identified a new MND susceptibility gene – TBK1.  The researchers used whole genome sequencing to sequence…

New fellowship awarded to further our understanding of RNA in MND

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dr Pietro Fratta (University College London) received his initial Training Fellowship through the MND Association/ Medical Research Council (MRC) Lady Edith Wolfson Programme in 2010. Starting on 1 February 2015, Dr Fratta was awarded a Clinician Scientist Fellowship to continue his research into MND. Totalling £1.16 million, of which the Association has committed to contribute…