Welcome to Back to Basics!

Welcome to Back to Basics!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Welcome to our new blog series which takes MND research back to basics.

The Back to Basics series aims to provide members of the MND community with a knowledge base of scientific topics that are relevant to MND research. Using videos and graphics, the blogs will break down complex science so that you can better understand and easily follow the latest updates in MND research.

Each blog will have buttons at the bottom of the posts to click through to the next blog or go back to the previous blog in the series. You can also access all of the blogs in the series via the menu at the top of the blog which will take you to this page. As more posts are added to this series, these will be linked to the others and appear on the Back to Basics page.

These blogs have been reviewed by a small number of people with and affected by MND to provide us with feedback and ensure that the content is clear and easy to follow. We really appreciate the time that these people gave to help us with this and would like to say a huge thank you to them for their involvement in this project.

As this is an evolving series which we will continue to add to, we would like to hear any feedback that people may have to help us improve future posts. If you would like to give us some feedback on the series so far that we can take forward for the next blogs, please complete this anonymous survey.

We hope you enjoy the series and that it helps you to build a foundation which can be built upon when reading about the latest MND research.

Click the button below to read the first blog in the Back to Basics series and begin your journey into MND research.

The MND Association’s vision is a world free from MND. Realising this vision means investing more in research, further developing partnerships with the research community, funding bodies and industry, while ensuring that advances in understanding and treating MND are communicated as quickly and effectively as possible.

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