Reading Time: 3 minutesI have recently updated the clinical trials section of our website with a couple of MND clinical trials that are currently recruiting. This has led me to
Category: Healthcare
Reading Time: 4 minutesIn Chicago, it’s the beginning of the third day of the International Symposium on ALS/MND. I feel that I’ve become almost institutionalised: I get up,
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe symposium session ‘Carer and Family Support’ provided a platform to better understand the role that informal carers play in the lives of people with
Reading Time: 3 minutesThis year’s Annual Conference research talk was given by Dr Chris McDermott and focused on his research at the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SiTraN).
Reading Time: 4 minutesI wanted to write a ReCCoB blog about the Holistic Care and Quality of Life session, which is closely related to my interests, not least
Reading Time: 3 minutesResults of a recent poll suggest that the UK public is incredibly supportive of healthcare research within the NHS. These results will now be used
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter being asked to write about why I am a research optimist, I tried to think about the achievements in MND research. After attending the Care Centre
Reading Time: 2 minutesOn Wednesday I attended the MND care centre directors meeting. This is where all of the care centre directors, care centre co-ordinators, our regional care development
Symposium programme begins to take shape
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOver the last month the symposium programme committee, including myself and Brian, have been busy reading the abstracts submitted for presentation at the International Symposium