Catch up on Symposium…focus on ‘clinical management’
Prof Jeffrey Rosenfeld opens the 28th International Symposium on ALS/MND in Boston

Catch up on Symposium…focus on ‘clinical management’

Reading Time: 6 minutes From abstracts to posters, pushpins to ribbons, it takes a whole year to get to this day – no, not Christmas, but the 28th International Symposium on ALS/MND. In this and the following ‘catch-up’ blog we will summarise what went on at the Symposium and where you can find out more information. To begin with,…

Understanding disease variability – the 2017 IPG prize winner
IPG Prize

Understanding disease variability – the 2017 IPG prize winner

Reading Time: 3 minutes Warmest congratulation to Dr Marka van Blitterswijk of the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, winner of this year’s Paulo Gontijo Prize in Medicine. The Award is presented to an outstanding young investigator working on ALS/MND, with judging based on the significance of a recent scientific paper published by each applicant, plus an evaluation of the…