
AGM Question

Reading Time: 5 minutes A question was submitted to the Association’s AGM last weekend, which could only be answered in brief at the time, due to the number of issues raised, some of which are of a technical nature. Below is a more detailed response from the Association’s Director of Research (in bold italics) to each point raised.

Dr Chris McDermott talks about his research at our Annual Conference

Reading Time: 3 minutes This year’s Annual Conference research talk was given by Dr Chris McDermott and focused on his research at the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SiTraN). His talk, adequately named ‘Improving the care and evidence base for symptomatic care’, was a very personal and informative talk to all that attended. Dr McDermott gave a brief introduction…

Research on the road

Reading Time: 5 minutes Spring is in the air, the trees are budding, and the birds are singing. Slowly, hesitantly, the director of research emerges from his office and blinks in the bright spring sunshine, before setting off on his travels to distant parts of the country… This is branch AGM and Spring Conferences season, which means it’s time for…