
MND research around the world

Reading Time: 7 minutes In the last decade, the MND Association has invested millions in research within the UK and across the world. We are a leader in the funding and promotion of cutting-edge MND research and, with over 30 years experience of identifying the most promising projects, we only fund and support scientific and medical research of the…

What’s going on inside? Possible mechanisms associated with physical activity and MND

Reading Time: 6 minutes UPDATE  – The question of whether exercise causes, or contributes towards MND is still very much unanswered. But a recent study by Julian and colleagues (2021) has attempted to provide answers using huge data sets of genetic information, bioinformatics and validated questionnaires for physical exercise in specific genotypes to shed more light on a potential association between exercise and…

Lighthouse Project shines a beacon on HERVs and their role in ALS

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is recent evidence to suggest that Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) may be involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). HERV-K has been directly linked to motor neurone damage and has been found in the brain tissue of patients with ALS. The MND Association recently awarded a small grant to fund part of the ‘Lighthouse Project’…