Reading Time: 4 minutesRecently published results from the open-label Lighthouse trial investigating safety of the drug Triumeq in people with MND revealed the treatment was safe and ready
Category: Causes and disease mechanisms
How animals are helping to improve our understanding of MND
Reading Time: 6 minutes‘From antibiotics and insulin to blood transfusions and treatments for cancer or HIV, virtually every medical achievement in the past century has depended directly or
Reading Time: 4 minutesAfter its successful premiere in 2017, the University of Oxford organised another meeting of people affected by inherited MND, called ‘Families for the Treatment of
Reading Time: 4 minutesExploring the link between our guts and our general health is becoming increasingly popular. Studies of people with various physical and mental health conditions suggest
Reading Time: 7 minutesLast year professional football players, Len Johnrose and Stephen Darby, announced they’d been diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND). This follows previous announcements from other
Reading Time: 2 minutesThis blog is part of the ‘Highlights from Glasgow’ collection of articles, where you can read about the content of some of the talks and
Reading Time: 3 minutesThis blog is part of the ‘Highlights from Glasgow’ collection of articles, where you can read about the content of some of the talks and
Reading Time: 3 minutesMotor Neurone Disease (MND), as the name suggests, is known as a disease of motor neurons, a specific type of neurons that co-ordinate our voluntary
Reading Time: 7 minutesIn the last decade, the MND Association has invested millions in research within the UK and across the world. We are a leader in the