Reading Time: 3 minutesA recently published paper exploring the connection between occupational risk factors and MND has sparked lots of interest, especially by the media. The study in
Reading Time: 3 minutesYesterday the Reta Lila Weston Trust announced that they will be funding Dr Nikhil Sharma and colleagues at the Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre (LWENC)
Reading Time: 4 minutesToday we announced the results of an exciting new funding partnership with Marie Curie. Together we will be co-funding three research grants that help to
Reading Time: 2 minutesScientists from the University of Oxford have set up ‘Families for the Treatment of Hereditary MND’ (FaTHoM), an initiative to bring together the community of
Focus on the research presented in posters in Dublin
Reading Time: 3 minutesOver 100 talks were given at this month’s International Symposium on ALS/MND in Dublin. There were also over 450 posters of research being presented too.
Prize winning posters in Dublin
Reading Time: 4 minutesAs well as all the networking, debate and new information being shared, the International Symposium on ALS/MND is also a time to celebrate achievements by
Reading Time: 4 minutesBrain banks are a vital resource in MND research. The MRC London Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank was established in 1989. It is part of King’s College
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat causes MND is the question that so many of us want to know. For the majority of people with MND we know that it
Reading Time: 2 minutesI firmly believe that the quality of research is only as good as the researcher doing it, which is why the MND Association places a