
The TBK1 jigsaw puzzle

Reading Time: 3 minutes Following on from the identification of the gene TBK1 as a contributory risk factor for MND in February, the plot thickens further with research published yesterday by Dr Jochen Weishaupt and colleagues. Published in Nature Neuroscience, the team found mutations in the TBK1 gene as a cause of both inherited MND and frontotemporal dementia in Germany…

Researchers identify the TBK1 gene as a risk factor in MND

Reading Time: 2 minutes Published on 19 February 2015 in the Journal Science, an international team of scientists have found mutations in the gene TBK1 as a contributory risk factor in MND. Identifying TBK1 An international team, led by scientists at Columbia University in New York, have identified a new MND susceptibility gene – TBK1.  The researchers used whole genome sequencing to sequence…