Reading Time: 3 minutesThe MND Association are funding Prof Kevin Talbot, Dr Ruxandra Dafinca (née Mutihac) and colleagues at the University of Oxford, who are investigating the link
Tag: University of Oxford
Reading Time: 2 minutesBiomarkers in Oxford (BioMOx) is a research project with the aim of identifying a diagnostic biomarker for MND, which could be used to track the
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn a previous research project funded by the MND Association, Prof Kevin Talbot and colleagues from the University of Oxford developed a new TDP-43 mouse
Reading Time: 2 minutesDuring the early stages of MND it is proposed that motor neurones are more susceptible to an imbalance of oxygen within the cells, known as
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat is the MND Register? The MND Register is a major five year project that aims to collect and store information about every person living
Reading Time: 2 minutesMistakes in the C9orf72 gene are the most common cause of inherited MND, and can be linked to about 40% of all cases. Now that
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe fantastic news that Patrick Joyce and his co-inventors have won the 2015 Hackaday Prize for their ‘Eyedrivomatic’ invention is one of a number of research
Reading Time: 3 minutesYesterday we published an introductory blog on frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and described how it is sometimes found in combination with MND. Today we are looking