Reading Time: 2 minutesThe remainder of the morning covered some of the preclinical research that has laid the foundations for current and forthcoming clinicalstudies. Prof Clive Svendsen, from University Wisconsin-Madison, gave an
Category: Models of MND
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe possibility of using stem cells for drug screening was covered in more detail by Prof Chris Henderson from Columbia University New York. Prof Henderson has
Reading Time: 2 minutesCreating motor neurones for research is a lengthy and expensive process, so Prof Kevin Eggan from Harvard University Massachusetts, asked whether we can predict at an
Reading Time: 2 minutesOur recent blog articles describe lots of fascinating science and the progress in the care and treatment of MND/ALS that was presented at the symposium.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteNext month will see the start of three new Association-funded research projects that will each move us closer to achieving some of the key targets set
Updating our research strategy
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOur Research Strategy has recently been revised and can be downloaded from our website: Although it can seem that MND research moves at ‘glacial’
Reading Time: 3 minutesDay 2 began early! By 8.15am our stand was on display in the ‘breakout’ room, where the tea and lunch breaks were held and also
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe are now funding a studentship stem cell research project! This project aims to develop a human motor neurone model of MND using skin cells
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI am optimistic every time I prepare a talk when I look for something new to say about advances in research. Since the discovery of