Reading Time: 2 minutesToday is a big day for the research grants team as we are launching our online summary application form for researchers applying for biomedical* project
Category: Research we fund
Reading Time: < 1 minuteBack in March I mentioned that the Association’s peer review practices were being audited by the Association of Medical Research Charities. I’m pleased to say
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway!) that it is important for MND researchers to know what each other are up to –
Reading Time: 3 minutesAlthough millions of years of evolution separate humans from insects, a tiny fruit fly called Drosophila melanogaster has been one of the most extensively studied
Reading Time: 2 minutesGovernment cuts to research will have a knock on effect for the future, while cuts to care have an impact on those currently living with MND.
Reading Time: 3 minutesResults of a recent poll suggest that the UK public is incredibly supportive of healthcare research within the NHS. These results will now be used
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs we’ve mentioned in previous posts, our current research grants round is our biggest yet with 19 full applications being reviewed by our research advisory
Reading Time: 2 minutesOur recent blog articles describe lots of fascinating science and the progress in the care and treatment of MND/ALS that was presented at the symposium.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWith all the excitement of the symposium in Orlando, it is still business as usual for the next research grants round. As some of you
Reading Time: 2 minutesMND isn’t just about motor neurones going wrong in an otherwise perfectly functioning nervous system. A group of cells called glia, which surround motor neurones