Reading Time: 4 minutesA systematic review of existing scientific literature, performed by a team of researchers led by Dr Arpan Mehta, MRC/MND Association Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Fellow
Category: Research we fund

Reading Time: 6 minutesGuest researcher blog post about the recently published paper on the identification of potential new biomarkers in the blood, in the journal Brain Communications. Written

Reading Time: 2 minutesGuest researcher blog post written by Cathryn Pinto: I am a PhD student at the University of Southampton and my PhD project (titled CALM –

Reading Time: 5 minutesSoon after 8 medical students at the University of Southampton volunteered for the Motor Neurone Disease Association (with their local Southampton and Winchester branch) and

Reading Time: 3 minutesTUDCA-ALS is a European Consortium (funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 grant) involving top researchers from seven countries across Europe (see Figure

Reading Time: 3 minutesDr Arpan Mehta, one of our Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Fellows, and his team at the Euan MacDonald Centre at the University of Edinburgh have

How animals are helping to improve our understanding of MND
Reading Time: 6 minutes‘From antibiotics and insulin to blood transfusions and treatments for cancer or HIV, virtually every medical achievement in the past century has depended directly or
Reading Time: 3 minutesOn the way to work last Wednesday, a story on BBC Radio 4 – ‘Today programme’ suddenly grabbed my attention: “February will mark the 100th