Reading Time: 3 minutesUnder the leadership of Dr Christopher McDermott, based at the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), research published today on 29 May 2015 in the
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe are pleased to announce that as well as applications for our next round for PhD Studentship applications, we are also accepting applications for our
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe MND Association funds healthcare research that aims to improve care management for people living with MND. The TONiC study is looking at factors that influence
Reading Time: 3 minutesProfessor Winston Hide gave his inaugural lecture on 17 March, during Brain Awareness week, entitled ‘breaking the human genome code – opening Pandora’s box’, which you can watch
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe MND Association’s Director of Research, Brian Dickie explains more about ‘GM6’, also known as ‘GM604’, a drug in development by an American pharmaceutical company
Reading Time: 2 minutesToday is world Rare Disease Day, so it’s an appropriate time to raise awareness of ALL rare diseases, including motor neurone disease. There are between
Reading Time: 2 minutesPublished on 19 February 2015 in the Journal Science, an international team of scientists have found mutations in the gene TBK1 as a contributory risk factor in MND.
Reading Time: 4 minutesToday’s announcement of the difference the ALS / MND ice bucket challenge has made included a number of areas of research investment. You’ll be hearing