FaTHoM 2: UK-leading MND clinicians on inherited MND

FaTHoM 2: UK-leading MND clinicians on inherited MND

Reading Time: 4 minutes After its successful premiere in 2017, the University of Oxford organised another meeting of people affected by inherited MND, called ‘Families for the Treatment of Hereditary MND (FaTHoM)’. This turned out to be yet another excellent day where MND clinicians-researchers presented on topics such as genetics of MND, genetic testing and gene therapies. Below you…

Tackling weight loss in MND – from ProGas to PostGas

Reading Time: 2 minutes Swallowing problems are an incredibly common cause of malnutrition and weight loss in MND patients. To add to this, weight loss in MND is associated with shorter survival. This means managing swallowing problems effectively is crucial to ensuring people living with MND can have the best possible quality of life. Managing swallowing problems using gastrostomy

Heading in the right direction: Sheffield Support Snood update

Reading Time: 3 minutes Update (February 2017): All sites are now closed and not recruiting for participants. If you would like to be added to a waiting list for the Sheffield Support Snood, please contact Lise Sproson. We are funding, together with the NIHR i4i (National Institute for Heath Research invention for innovation) programme, a research team in Sheffield who have developed a new type…

Dr Chris McDermott talks about his research at our Annual Conference

Reading Time: 3 minutes This year’s Annual Conference research talk was given by Dr Chris McDermott and focused on his research at the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SiTraN). His talk, adequately named ‘Improving the care and evidence base for symptomatic care’, was a very personal and informative talk to all that attended. Dr McDermott gave a brief introduction…