Flexible molecules and droplets: researching and targeting RNA-protein complexes in MND

Flexible molecules and droplets: researching and targeting RNA-protein complexes in MND

Reading Time: 6 minutes My name is Tatyana Shelkovnikova, I am an MND Association Lady Edith Wolfson Senior Non-Clinical fellow. I lead my own group at the Medicines Discovery Institute, Cardiff University. I chose to move my fellowship to a drug discovery unit with a strong neuroscience portfolio of projects to be able to stay at the frontier of…

From genes to the clinic: MND Association and ALS Association-funded researcher wins the ENCALS Young Investigator Award 2014

Reading Time: 3 minutes After attending the ENCALS meeting in May I was busy scheduling the ‘blog a day’ in June, which meant I didn’t get chance to actually report on any developments from the meeting. During our ‘blog a day’ we wrote a lot about genetics, in terms of the UK MND Whole Genome Sequencing project and the…

MND Association funded researcher Dr Martin Turner wins ENCALS Young Investigator Award

Reading Time: 2 minutes We’re pleased to announce that Dr Martin Turner has been awarded with the European Network for the Cure of ALS (ENCALS) Young Investigators Award 2012. Dr Turner was awarded with the MRC/ MND Association Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Research Fellowship in 2008 for his study to identify biomarkers in MND (called BioMOx). Since then, Dr…