Reading Time: 6 minutesMND is a very complex disease, and in the UK there is still only one approved treatment so the need for more effective treatments remains
Category: Research we fund

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe current pace of clinical trials means that there are now more trials testing potential drugs for MND in the UK than ever before. One

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt is known that people with MND experience different symptoms, and these are not just movement related. People with MND can experience difficulty speaking, breathing

Reading Time: 6 minutesRecent research, led by Professor Guillaume Hautbergue at the University of Sheffield, has found a potential new method of preventing nerve cell death in the

Reading Time: 4 minutesSome people with MND experience severe swallowing difficulties and it is estimated that over 50% of those with MND are affected by malnutrition and weight loss due to this. These factors are thought to be associated with increased disability and shortened survival, which is why nutrition remains one of the main challenges surrounding disease management. For those with MND who have severe swallowing difficulties, one of the long-term nutritional support options is a gastrostomy (a feeding tube that is inserted directly into the stomach to deliver food, fluids and some medications).

Reading Time: 5 minutesResearch into MND has increased over recent years and we now have a greater understanding of what is happening within the body during the disease.

Reading Time: 5 minutes8 years ago, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science was created to improve gender equality in science and recognise the invaluable role

Reading Time: 5 minutes8 years ago, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science was created to improve gender equality in science and recognise the invaluable role women play. Each year the world comes together to celebrate inspirational women of the past, present, and future. While women continue to be under-represented in science globally, the conversation of gender equality in science is much louder than it was.

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe exact causes of MND are still unknown and there remain gaps in knowledge which need filling to find effective treatments. It is like a

Reading Time: 5 minutesLast year was a really exciting year for MND clinical trials, with more trials recruiting in the UK than ever before, some promising results being