Reading Time: 5 minutes"New drug reduces risk of death by 50%"

You may have seen this type of headline in news articles reporting on the outcome of clinical trials. Reading this headline can lead people to believe a potential drug is highly beneficial and has a real impact. However, it is important to delve a little deeper into the meaning of ‘risk of death’, the raw data behind it, and how it should be considered alongside other outcome measures of a trial to fully determine how effective a drug might be.

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Reading Time: 5 minutesHi, my name is Avril Mc Tague. I am undertaking a Ph.D. at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland as part of the Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Advancing Neurological care in a Digital Age (MIRANDA) doctoral award programme. This is funded by the Health Research Board in Ireland. I was one of five symposium communication ambassadors at last year’s international symposium.

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