Reading Time: 4 minutesRecently published results from the open-label Lighthouse trial investigating safety of the drug Triumeq in people with MND revealed the treatment was safe and ready
How animals are helping to improve our understanding of MND
Reading Time: 6 minutes‘From antibiotics and insulin to blood transfusions and treatments for cancer or HIV, virtually every medical achievement in the past century has depended directly or
Reading Time: 4 minutesAfter its successful premiere in 2017, the University of Oxford organised another meeting of people affected by inherited MND, called ‘Families for the Treatment of
Reading Time: 4 minutesExploring the link between our guts and our general health is becoming increasingly popular. Studies of people with various physical and mental health conditions suggest
Reading Time: 3 minutesA recent press release by the pharmaceutical company Biogen reported preliminary results from an ongoing clinical trial investigating a form of precision therapy in people
Reading Time: 10 minutes“The annals of ALS clinical trials is strewn with failed studies. Only two out of more than 70 clinical trials have been positive, and even
Reading Time: 7 minutesIs it possible that a drug that treats congestive heart failure could improve respiration in people with MND? Or that a drug used to treat
Reading Time: 7 minutesLast year professional football players, Len Johnrose and Stephen Darby, announced they’d been diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND). This follows previous announcements from other