Reading Time: 3 minutesDr Pietro Fratta (University College London) received his initial Training Fellowship through the MND Association/ Medical Research Council (MRC) Lady Edith Wolfson Programme in 2010.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Dr Frank Hirth is one of the world’s leading fruit fly MND researchers. Based at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn a fitting start to a new year, the results of the Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership top 10 priorities for
Reading Time: 4 minutesResearchers identify that loss of nerve signalling may be an early sign of MND Published in Nature Communications on 12 January 2015, Association-funded PhD student Anna-Claire
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe final day of our ‘twelve days of Christmas’ blogs has arrived. We hope you’ve enjoyed our festive overview of 2014 and we look forward
Reading Time: < 1 minute “On the eleventh day of Christmas MND research gives to you… ELEVEN members on our Biomedical Research Advisory Panel” Thanks to a record-breaking MND research
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the tenth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… TEN research studies we helped promote and recruit for in 2014” Last year we
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the ninth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… NINE MND researchers doing the ice bucket challenge!” Looking back on 2014, what were
Reading Time: 3 minutesDuring December and November the Research Development team receive a number of Christmas presents from our funded researchers. These presents come in the form of
Reading Time: 3 minutes“On the eighth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… EIGHT members of the Research Development team” We would like to wish all our