Reading Time: 5 minutes This blog is part of the ‘Highlights from Perth’ collection of articles, where you can read about the content of some of the talks and
Category: Markers of Disease Progression
Reading Time: 3 minutes Researchers from University College London led by Dr Pietro Fratta and Dr John Thornton found that muscle imaging can help distinguish Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
How animals are helping to improve our understanding of MND
Reading Time: 6 minutes ‘From antibiotics and insulin to blood transfusions and treatments for cancer or HIV, virtually every medical achievement in the past century has depended directly or
Reading Time: 3 minutes This blog is part of the ‘Highlights from Glasgow’ collection of articles, where you can read about the content of some of the talks and
Reading Time: 4 minutes This blog is part of the ‘Highlights from Glasgow’ collection of articles, where you can read about the content of some of the talks and
Reading Time: 7 minutes In the last decade, the MND Association has invested millions in research within the UK and across the world. We are a leader in the
Reading Time: 3 minutes It has been almost a year since we announced that AMBRoSIA (A Multicentre Biomarker Resource Strategy In ALS) had begun to recruit participants (read the
Lighthouse Project shines a beacon on HERVs and their role in ALS
Reading Time: 3 minutes There is recent evidence to suggest that Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) may be involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). HERV-K has been directly linked to
Reading Time: 5 minutes Each year, the MND Association dedicates the month of June to raising MND awareness. This year, we focus on the eyes – in most people