Reading Time: 2 minutesAn unproven treatment called ‘Spirulina’, which is a type of blue-green algae, has recently been investigated by ALSUntangled*. They concluded that there is no evidence
Category: Treatments
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe room was crowded at 8am for the first presentation of day two, from Dr Doug Sipp (RIKEN Institute, Japan) on ‘Unregulated ALS/MND treatments and public education’. Dr
Reading Time: 2 minutesOne human neural stem cell line that has cleared the US Government’s regulatory hurdles is that developed by the biotechnology company Neuralstem. To date, nine
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe remainder of the morning covered some of the preclinical research that has laid the foundations for current and forthcoming clinicalstudies. Prof Clive Svendsen, from University Wisconsin-Madison, gave an
Reading Time: 2 minutesThis year, two sessions are related to clinical trials. The first, concerns the planning and design of clinical trials. The second is the results of
Reading Time: < 1 minuteSharing information at the symposium is what it’s all about. Today, Randall Kaye, chief medical officer from Avanir Pharmaceuticals, chose the symposium to give a presentation on
Reading Time: 2 minutesLast weekend 19 neurologists and researchers gathered in a hotel seminar room in The Netherlands to talk about building closer links across Europe. Prof Leonard
Updating our research strategy
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOur Research Strategy has recently been revised and can be downloaded from our website: Although it can seem that MND research moves at ‘glacial’
Reading Time: 3 minutesDay 2 began early! By 8.15am our stand was on display in the ‘breakout’ room, where the tea and lunch breaks were held and also
Reading Time: 2 minutesALSUntangled have debunked yet another unproven treatment advertised on the internet. Publishing these results in a reputable journal is of the utmost importance as it