New gene therapy targeting C9orf72-ALS begins Phase 1 clinical trial in the UK

New gene therapy targeting C9orf72-ALS begins Phase 1 clinical trial in the UK

Reading Time: 2 minutes This article was written by Dr Keith Mayl and Dr Ahmad Al Khleifat of King’s College London. Researchers at King’s College Hospital, led by Professor Christopher Shaw, have embarked on the first gene therapy clinical trial for patients affected by a specific genetic form of ALS, the most common type of MND. ALS is a…

One small step for MND research… one giant leap for the MND Association’s DNA Bank

Reading Time: 2 minutes We’ve been extremely excited about this research finding for a while now and have closely followed the progress of Prof Ammar Al-Chalabi’s publication as it was accepted into the prestigious journal Lancet Neurology. At times this was a rollercoaster journey – one that we were carefully watching from the sidelines with baited breath. The reason why we’re…