Highlights from the poster sessions at the 34th International Symposium

Highlights from the poster sessions at the 34th International Symposium

Reading Time: 7 minutes Each year we host the International Symposium on ALS/MND in December and this is the largest medical and scientific conference specific to MND. The 34th Symposium was held in Basel, Switzerland from the 6th to 8th December and over 1300 people attended from over 48 different countries to share the latest MND research updates, connect…

Spotlight on the ‘International’ Symposium experience

Spotlight on the ‘International’ Symposium experience

Reading Time: 4 minutes We recently announced that following the success of our first virtual International Symposium on ALS/MND (the largest medical and scientific conference specific to MND/ALS) last year and the ongoing challenges caused by the global pandemic, the MND Association’s 32nd Symposium in December 2021 will be held online. As we head towards our Symposium this year,…

Prize winning posters in Dublin

Reading Time: 4 minutes As well as all the networking, debate and new information being shared, the International Symposium on ALS/MND is also a time to celebrate achievements by the giving of awards. The Biomedical and Clinical poster prizes are an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the excellent research and clinical practice being conducted by those early in their…

Celebrating posters

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you followed the reporting about the symposium last weekend, I’m willing to bet (but I haven’t checked!) that most it will have been about the talks that people attended or liked. When actually, a large proportion of the research presented at the International Symposium on ALS/MND is in the form of a poster. A…

Abstract statistics

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the heat of August (for once I can actually write that, without my fingers crossed behind my back!), statistics relating to the production of the must-have document for the 24th International Symposium on ALS/MND in Milan in December might seem extremely ‘abstract’! Abstracts are scientific summaries of the research that will be presented at…