Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe final day of our ‘twelve days of Christmas’ blogs has arrived. We hope you’ve enjoyed our festive overview of 2014 and we look forward
Tag: twelve days of MND christmas
Reading Time: < 1 minute “On the eleventh day of Christmas MND research gives to you… ELEVEN members on our Biomedical Research Advisory Panel” Thanks to a record-breaking MND research
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the tenth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… TEN research studies we helped promote and recruit for in 2014” Last year we
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the ninth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… NINE MND researchers doing the ice bucket challenge!” Looking back on 2014, what were
Reading Time: 3 minutes“On the eighth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… EIGHT members of the Research Development team” We would like to wish all our
Reading Time: 3 minutes“On the seventh day of Christmas MND research gives to you… our SEVEN research strategy themes” It’s New Year’s eve, a time to look back
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the sixth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… on the SIXTH month of 2014 we wrote a Blog a Day, and you
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the fourth day of Christmas MND research gives to you… on the FOURTH month of 2014, we announced that we’ll fund an exciting new
Reading Time: < 1 minute“On the third day of Christmas MND research gives to you… THREE days of the 25th International symposium on ALS/MND” From 5 – 7 December
Reading Time: < 1 minuteBoxing day is here, there’s still some leftover turkey but let’s not forget… it’s the second day of Christmas! “On the second day of Christmas