Qualitative research in MND: navigating challenges for participants and researchers

Qualitative research in MND: navigating challenges for participants and researchers

Reading Time: 3 minutes Jade and Liam are researchers at Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience, University of Sheffield. Liam’s work aims to improve healthcare services through technology by involving people with MND in their development. Jade is interested in using research to better understand the issues and implications around genetic forms of MND and to support people to navigate decisions…

Heading in the right direction: Sheffield Support Snood update

Reading Time: 3 minutes Update (February 2017): All sites are now closed and not recruiting for participants. If you would like to be added to a waiting list for the Sheffield Support Snood, please contact Lise Sproson. We are funding, together with the NIHR i4i (National Institute for Heath Research invention for innovation) programme, a research team in Sheffield who have developed a new type…

Breaking the Human Genome Code

Reading Time: 3 minutes Professor Winston Hide gave his inaugural lecture on 17 March, during Brain Awareness week, entitled ‘breaking the human genome code – opening Pandora’s box’, which you can watch in full at the end of this blog post. Professor Hide recently joined the University of Sheffield, and MND Association/ Medical Research Council (MRC) Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Research Fellow, Dr…

The importance of tissue in MND research

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dr Robin Highley from the Sheffield Institute of Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), which is based at the University of Sheffield, has written a special ‘guest blog’ about his research and the value of tissue donation. I am a pathologist who recently completed a MND Association/Medical Research Council Lady Edith Wolfson fellowship.  During my research fellowship, a student and I…

The MND Researchers Bake off Champion!

Reading Time: 2 minutes As well as helping out with our ‘blog a day’ during MND Awareness Month, we also asked our researchers to get involved in ‘baking’ to become our first ‘MND Researchers Bake off Champion’. We received some great science-themed cakes, from zebrafish biscuits to a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) machine cake! Our Director of Research, Dr Brain Dickie said:…