
BBC Radio Four talk about MND research

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At the end of last week, we learnt that the Brain Research Trust (BRT) planned on appealing for donations on BBC Radio 4 for their latest MND research project. The BRT raise money solely for research into neurological diseases (including MND) based at the Institute of Neurology (University College London).

When we heard about this news our first thoughts were “What’s the project about?” Well, from what we’ve learnt, the project will be using mice that model MND, to understand why proteins clump together in the brain and spinal cord– a known sign that MND is developing. On top of this, they will also be using high-tech imaging techniques to see if they can spot these proteins clumping together in the brains and spinal cords of mice that model the disease.

We are pleased that the BRT are kick-starting this MND research project as the more good quality research that is conducted, the more answers we will find in our battle against MND.

The MND Association also funds projects based at University College London – six projects to be precise which come to a whopping total of £643,794! On top of these projects, we also fund 35 others from across the UK – some of which have an international collaboration. Check out our ‘research we fund’ section of our website for information on the research projects we  fund and how you can help to push research forwards.

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