
Decisions, Decisions…

Reading Time: 4 minutes The day finally arrived on 11 April 2014 for our biannual Biomedical Research Advisory Panel (BRAP) Meeting. This important date in our research calendar is when grant funding decisions are discussed before being put forward to our Board of Trustees for approval. But before we get to the meeting, there is a lot of preparation…

Application round in full Swing

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is a very exciting time for us. We are again in the middle of another bumper grants round with 23 full applications received. We have received applications from researchers already known to us, new and international researchers, allowing us to further widen our researcher network. Full applications give a detailed plan of what the…

Summary Applications Explained

Reading Time: 2 minutes Our call for preliminary summary applications for project grants is in full swing with the Online Summary Application Form currently live on our website. The deadline for receipt of summaries is 1 November 2013. We thought this would be a good opportunity to explain what this means. What is a summary application? Preliminary summary applications…

NEW Grants Round……..NEW way of Applying!!!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today is a big day for the research grants team as we are launching our online summary application form for researchers applying for biomedical* project grants and PhD studentships. *Biomedical projects are laboratory-based. They aim to identify potential causes of MND, increase scientific understanding of the mechanisms of motor neurone degeneration and develop potential new…

Research grants round in full swing!

Reading Time: < 1 minute With all the excitement of the symposium in Orlando, it is still business as usual for the next research grants round.  As some of you will already know, we sent a record 25 summaries to our Biomedical Research Advisory Panel (BRAP) for review.  Out of these a staggering 18 applicants have been invited to submit…

Summaries: dawning of a new round

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s that time of year again where as one research grant application round is drawing to a close another one is just starting.  Just one week after the Biomedical Research Advisory Panel (BRAP) meet to discuss the outcome of the previous grants round, we expect to receive a number of new applications for our next…

Natasha – incurable optimist

Reading Time: < 1 minute After being asked to write about why I am a research optimist, I tried to think about the achievements in MND research. After attending the Care Centre directors meeting I have seen that there is not just biomedical, lab based research going on, there is also a lot of clinical research going on within our Care Centres. This…