
May The Fourth Be With You – PhD Studentship Applications

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Spring has finally sprung and so it’s now time to open our online summary application form for our next round of research grant applications.

This round is for PhD studentship applications, for projects starting in October 2013. The deadline for summary applications is Friday 4 May 2012.

Attracting promising researchers
Through our successful PhD studentship programme we have a track record of attracting and funding promising young scientists to develop their careers in MND research. Since 1998 we have funded 30 studentships, 12 of these are currently ongoing.

We need to continue to develop the UK basic research capacity by attracting more young scientists to develop careers in MND research. We can do this by funding PhD studentships.

Funding the best of the best
As with all of the research projects funded by the MND Association, our rigorous application process allows us to ensure we only fund studentships of the highest quality and of direct relevance to MND.

The way that we fund research starts with a summary application, which is a concise outline of the proposed project. After the deadline date has passed a decision is made as to whether the summary is relevant to ‘classical’ MND and the project aims fit with our Research Strategy. If the summary does not fit, it’s rejected. If all criteria are met, the summary is reviewed by our Biomedical Research Advisory Panel (BRAP).

The reviewer’s comments and scores are then assessed using a two thirds majority rule. Each reviewer scores the summary application. A score under 50 is classed as unsuitable for funding, if it’s over 50 then the applicant is invited to submit a full application.

We hope this year holds an exciting round of PhD studentship applications!

More information:

For further information please see the Prize PhD Studentship Flyer or visit our website

1 thought on “May The Fourth Be With You – PhD Studentship Applications

  1. This is a great initiative by the Association to plant early seeds in the UK research world. I was fortunate to have received one of these 30 studentships back in 2002 and have spent the past decade in MND research as a result so enthusiastically endorse this program!

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